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Do you have a message you’d like to share with the world? Are you tired of working full time and dreaming of writing a book? Or perhaps you’re looking to supplement your income so you can take a break when you need one? 

This is how I felt when I started my blog. For sixteen years I have been a professional Clairvoyant, trance channel, healer, and spiritual teacher. My husband and I own two metaphysical bookstores in Orange County, California. You could say spirituality is my life. It has been a central part of my life and my chosen profession since the age of 26.

As much as I love my in-person career and all of the classes I teach, I was at a point in my life where I needed a break. I hit a significant burnout point, and I needed to feel I had the freedom to retreat for awhile in the event that I needed a break. I also realized I had a lot of experience having been in this business for sixteen years, and I wanted to begin sharing my knowledge of spirituality with a broader community of people.

What did I do? I began blogging. I initially paid a company to create a new website for me, I put my classes online, and I opened business. What I didn’t realize at the time was that my in-person clients were used to seeing me in person, not online. Looking back, what I was really doing was starting a whole new business.

I also very quickly realized that my new website needed a lot of detailed attention and TLC. Given my skill level with technology at the time, I wasn’t equipped to care for my own site. I knew I needed an affordable, time-friendly crash course in web design and marketing. Having someone professionally design my website wasn’t enough. I needed to learn how to function as a full-time blogger. I had fantasies that my website would blow up in popularity as soon as the design was done, but I saw quickly that it didn’t work like that. I needed to learn how to get my blog out there, create traffic and effectively navigate the business of blogging.


Being more of a right-brained creative person doesn’t necessarily lend itself to the analytical side
of website management and marketing. I had to figure this out.

The first course I took was pretty good, but not quite the right fit for me. It was a webinar course from another person I came across on the internet. It seemed like a profitable and effective marketing strategy… but it was better suited towards other types of businesses, not necessarily a spiritual business like mine.

In building any spiritual business, you have to BE authentic down to your bones. If authenticity is lacking, you will come off as scammy. Although I thought this course was right for other businesses, I just knew it wasn’t going to work for marketing something as personal as channeling and healing. I wanted to build an online audience as transparently and honestly as I possibly could.

Then I found I don’t even remember how I saw them, but through searching for something that resonated with my personal style, I signed up for one of their newsletters.  A light went off!  Although I had already spent several thousand dollars on a beautiful website, I had no clue how to drive traffic or promote it.  After watching a few free videos on starting a blog ( I signed up for their email list and received it), I signed up for the Pro Blogger Bundle. I didn’t have more money to dump into other people doing things for me. I needed to do it myself.

Who are Alex and Lauren and Why Are They So Awesome?

Alex and Lauren are the creators of Create and Go and the Pro Blogger Bundle. Lauren was a CPA, and Alex was a personal trainer. They started a blog just like me and just like YOU.

They had no idea what they were doing at first either.  Through their struggles to create a profitable blog they are now able to help the rest of us simple people that need it lol. Oh, and they don’t just have a “how to blog” business. They have applied all of their techniques to their health and wellness blog as well. They have the same success that they have with their blogging blog. Alex and Lauren travel the world and ditched their day jobs. So can you.

Anyway, you’re probably saying yeah but she’s an affiliate. YES, I AM. And proud of it! I found myself recommending them to all my students that want to blog. I was initially against affiliate marketing on my site until I took this course. It took some time for my digital products to gain momentum, and I was recommending them by word of mouth so much anyway. I don’t promote ANYTHING on my website that I don’t personally use or have positive results with. That is what makes me a great affiliate. Remember? Honest, transparent and vulnerable blogging. That’s what I’m about in my career and my life. Blogging is no different.

Why the Pro-Blogger Bundle and What’s Inside of it?

The Pro-Blogger Bundle has 4 courses inside of it. It takes you from 0 to hero as a blogger. Not kidding.  Let’s look at what each course can do for you……..

Pinterest Avalanche Course

Initially, I purchased their Pinterest Avalanche course thinking all I needed was to learn how to advertise. I soon figured out that it was just one piece of a much larger puzzle. My website creator did not optimize anything for me.  I had to teach myself how to see the whole picture on my website and not rely on someone who didn’t care whether I made a dime or not.

I pulled back my power in this endeavor by watching every video and implementing each strategy. It’s all very convenient and instrumental in each part of the process. Don’t get me wrong, it’s work! But I enjoy it immensely while homeschooling my six-year-old and only taking the clients I really want to work with.  The Pinterest Avalanche Course taught me how to create pins and how to work Pinterest to develop FREE, consistent traffic. Most people have no idea how Pinterest works and quit before they realize the goldmine that it is.  There are concrete things your website needs to have for Pinterest to work correctly.

My Traffic After 3 Months

Now for some proof of traffic due to the Pinterest Avalanche Course. I started off with a few visitors a day. Probably from the in-person clientele. I started with 11 blog posts from previously written articles in the magazine that we put out in our store. I use jetpack as recommended in the pro blogger course. Here is what my traffic looks like at 49 blog posts:

As you can see I have an average of 150-200 visitors per day and approximately 3,500 visitors per month.  This happened the first month that I implemented their course techniques. I went from 50 visitors in a month to roughly 3,500 from the first month to the third month. If you notice each month my traffic has risen. I even lost six days in May because I had to move my site to a new server. Even losing six days wasn’t a problem. The moment my site was back up Pinterest took off again.  I look forward to watching it grow and will update this post as my traffic rises.

Build and Launch Your Blog

This course is excellent for beginning bloggers that need help to start their blog. You will learn how to start your blog and build your WordPress site from scratch for a minimal amount of money.  It also includes website themes, creating content that readers love and share, email marketing, social media, and even down to some blogging skills, and things Alex and Lauren have learned through their experiences from earning nothing to six figures.

Even though I had already built my site and also had digital content, I went back to the basics here as if I hadn’t started so I wouldn’t miss any golden nugget. I’m delighted I approached it this way, or I would have missed out on some valuable information.

Make Money Blogging for Beginners

Oh my, did I need this course!! As I said before, this was like starting a new business. Blogging is one part of the process, making money blogging is another matter entirely. I had NO CLUE how to do this part.  This course illustrates how to begin making money by teaching you about affiliate marketing, building an email list, email opt-ins and marketing, Facebook groups, Pinterest, YouTube and sponsored posts. This course ups your game and puts you in the driver’s seat to monetizing your blog.

Six-Figure Blogger

When I purchased the bundle, I thought I’d go directly to the six-figure blogger course. As much as I needed it, I also needed the others and was very grateful I took the time to do each one. Six-figure blogger goes into Affiliate Marketing more deeply, teaches you to create an e-book from scratch, e-courses and digital products. This step is for those that are ready to develop their own products. I had already created my own digital products but ended up changing many things because of this course. You will also learn how to create and sell high converting sales pages. There is a specific process to selling your own products and others. It’s not as easy as throwing up your site and products and waiting for visitors to buy. You’ll wait until you quit without proper guidance.

Closing Thoughts

The only negative feedback I have is that I didn’t do this sooner. I will share something with you that I am embarrassed about. I thought if I paid the right people this would all just happen. I had a $10,000 website with almost no traffic or sales, I spent thousands more on creating content before I realized I was going to be in trouble soon if I didn’t monetize this colossal undertaking. I could have done this much cheaper and much better if I had found Create and Go first. I even had to put the Pro Blogger Bundle course on a credit card because I had blown through all my funds. It was the best overage I ever put on a credit card!

It’s only been 3 months, and I have daily sales and the fantastic interaction with people interested in healing themselves and discovering their spirituality.  It was well worth the work I’ve put in and continue to put in.

Not too bad right?  It sure beats 2-3 visitors a day. If you’re a creative person and you are looking to create passive income, write a blog and make money on it, the pro blogger bundle is how you can do this effectively and entirely. From building the website to driving traffic to creating and monetizing your blog, the Pro Blogger Bundle is the best recommendation there is….honestly. 

Good luck and let us know how it goes! 

In Love,

Lori Camacho

Trance Channel, Clairvoyant Healer and Spiritual Teacher, Lori Camacho, has been serving others with her gifts of clairvoyance and vibrational healing abilities since 2003. It was in 2007 that Lori began to spontaneously vocalize Raina, the wise consciousness she had memories of communicating with as a child. Together Lori and Raina have created many workshops, classes and writings. 


  • Hi Lori,

    Let’s talk about serendipity! I am taking a blogging course and wanted to research spirituality-based blogs and found you! I was reading your blog post and really enjoying it, and then BAM you mentioned Create & Go–the very online blogging course that I’m taking now! That is so amazing!! That really tells me that I am on the right path (even though the way is still dark to me).

    I just got my doctorate in Spiritual Studies from Emerson Institute and want to blog about spirituality/nature/sustainability/connection/Oneness but I’m not quite there yet. However, I do feel that I’m well on my way.

    Nice to meet you!


    • Lori Camacho says:

      Nice to meet you Michael! Yes, I love create and go. I’ve spent most of my career doing the spiritual things in person so this is a whole new world for me but I love it! Good luck with your studies and career. I also love learning about sustainability and nature. I hope you create something amazing!

      Lori Camacho

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