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This is our free private facebook group. This is a wonderful way to be a part of the Raina Teachings community. This is open to everyone wanting connection and to share experiences.  Join us here for posts about upcoming online and live events, and to be embraced by more of Raina’s love in facebook live videos.

Our Sage Alchemy private facebook forum is for those that are in any of our paid programs such as the Membership Program or Sage Spiritual Foundation Course. This is open to everyone wanting connection and to share in the Raina Teachings. This is where many live spontaneous channellings, classes and deeper connections occur. It is also a place to meet friends and help one another on your path. You’ll be added to this group as soon as you are in the Membership Program or Foundation Program.

Our blog is another piece to our growing community. Both Lori and Raina write blog material based on metaphysics, spirituality, life journeys and the experience of channeling.