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Is it time to “wake up” your Magick?

If you begin to explore the idea of Spiritual Ancestry, you may come across conversations about the Druids and you may even have memories where you know how to perform rituals or tap into your own magick.

You may not know why or how, but somehow you feel it inside you. This could be a clue about your Spiritual Ancestry dating back to the Druids.

There is little known about the Druids. They did not leave written records of their time on earth and they had their own societies and even their own judicial laws. They were self-contained, in other words, leaving behind mostly speculation.

What is said about the Druids is they performed rituals (or gatherings), often with the Solstices, Equinoxes and energy of Samhain. They had an honoring of the elements and created a form of Magick with that energy.

Unfortunately, as with most people who were not in line with Witchcraft, Shamanism and other nature religions of the time, they were forcefully extinguished and often unfairly characterized because of their beliefs.

But yet, what does remain known is that they seemed to appear. They just show up in history and travel from place to place.

Most widely known is the Celtic Druids.

A few years ago Raina and I brought through this workshop about the Celtic Druids and Unlocking Your Spiritual Ancestry. (Raina lived during the time of the druids in most of her earth lifetimes.) It is still one of the most intense channelings I have ever done with her. It was important it be done in the exact timing of Samhain, so that is what we did. Over 5 days and 9 1/2 hours.

I would love for you to listen, in Raina’s own words, to her description of the Druids in this free preview of the workshop that goes specifically with the energy of Samhain.


Did you hear it? Did you hear it in her voice – the creative and magickal energy of this workshop? That is why it had to be channeled when it was… to incorporate the energy. That energy stays with the workshop for whenever you choose to listen and is especially powerful during this time of Samhain.

This workshop is a beautiful informative, energy healing and co-creative journey for those of you exploring your Spiritual Ancestry. It is also beneficial for those who have the desire to heal the energy preventing you from using your Magickal gifts more freely. Waking up your Magick!

In the spirit of Samhain, I’m delighted to offer this Celtic Druid Workshop: Unlocking the Magick to Your Spiritual Ancestry for a special price of $125 with the code: celtic2020. This is half its usual price and the code celtic2020 will remain valid until October 29th when it returns to its original price.

Also, for both Magician and Alchemist members of Raina Teachings this workshop is included and you have immediate access to it now (You can learn more about membership HERE).

If you aren’t sure if this workshop or any of our courses are right for you, please feel free to email us at with any questions.

And if you do feel drawn to the Celtic Druid Workshop, please remember to use the code celtic2020 to unlock your special price.