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Welcome Magician

Self love & Intimacy Meditation

Self love and intimacy is an essential ingredient to growing spiritually. Imagine meeting the more evolved you and falling in love together. In this meditation you will do just that. Visit often and unlock the magick that will blow open your heart.

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Transmuting Nightmares into Productive Dreams

This recording works two ways:

If you have a bad dream and and are finding it difficult to go back to sleep, Raina lulls you there by helping you to change the energy of the dream or nightmare.

Or, if you are in a place in your waking life that feels like a nightmare, use this recording to create your reality and transmute it into a life you want. Either way, this is a beautiful meditation that utilizes reality creation from the dream space to transform lower vibrations into higher vibrations, thus ricocheting in both your sleeping and waking realities.

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The Evening Meditation

Join Raina every evening to wind down and allow the love and subtle magick of the liminal space that is available between light and dark. Also called “the magick hour”.

There are beings waiting each evening that hope you will tune into their energies for healing and co-creation. A meditation meant to be done each evening.

November guides us into the darkness as Samhain passes and our ancestors are invited to reincarnate, heal and replenish life. We too rebirth ourselves into darkness each year, gestating our next creative phase as the winter approaches. Allow Raina to meet you in the womb of the goddess where darkness is a serene comfort just before your rebirth. Meant to be done anytime after Samhain (Halloween) within the month of November.

This guided meditation is included with all subscriptions to Raina Teachings.

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Ritual of Receiving Your Gifts

This Ritual of Receiving is here to assist you in unlocking your gifts and activating them in your reality. You will work this magick directly with the goddess as she reaches into her cauldron to ceremonially energize you. You are her creation. Together you will co-create existence.

If you already know what your gifts are, you can utilize this meditation to accept them and let them in to produce for you.

Receiving your gifts can help to stimulate your purpose if you do not yet know what it is, receive more abundance and to manifest your creations. This meditation can be used anytime, or when you need a creative boost.

This guided meditation is included with all subscriptions to Raina Teachings.

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Opportunity and Change in a New World

This is a time of great change. And with change there is always opportunity.

You will be asked to temporarily release all that you think you know, so that you can retrieve the opportunity within this new change in the universe.
It is important to Co-Create your future during these transformational periods rather than resist change.

You will connect to the Divine Infinite, your Higher Self, and Inner Spirit Teachers to Co-Create. Within this mediation your manifestation will remain, stored safely for you to nurture it and bring it to physical manifestation at such time when you are ready.

This guided meditation is included with all subscriptions to Raina Teachings.

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Morning Rising MeditationMorning Rising Meditation

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This meditation was created with your morning in mind. Waking up and meditating is a great way to start your day.  Allow the divine to surge energy through your spine and wake you up naturally. Join Raina each morning with the rising meditation.

*Apprentice membership + Access

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6 Week Learn to Meditate

This six week course was designed to help you learn to meditate effectively. Meditation is essential to creating a strong foundation for your spiritual practice and self-healing journey. These audio classes for meditation development will help you create your foundation and begin the process of spiritual awakening.

You are ready, start your journey today.

Chakra Discussion

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Chakra Meditation

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8th Chakra Discussion

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8th Chakra Meditation

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Journey Meditation

[vcex_divider color=”#dddddd” width=”100%” height=”1px” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″]Toning Meditation

Celtic Druid PPV Audio

Have you ever wondered if you lived during this time? Many metaphysicians have a remembrance of this time period. Don’t miss this very special audio pay per view that came through this 2017 year during Samhain week. A 9 hour 2-day long workshop that enchants, heals and awakens you to your very own druid self and sacred rituals. It was a week of awakening the enchanted ones, inviting the love and power in from the druid ancestors and deepening your core spirituality.

Celtic Druid

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Betrayal Discussion

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Betrayal Meditation

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Magical Incarnation(Discussion)

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Magical Incarnation(Meditation)

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Tree Of Knowledge(Discussion)

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Tree Of Knowledge(Meditation)

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Symbolic Ritual(Discussion)

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Collective Ritual(Meditation)

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Enchanted One(Discussion)

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Labyrnith Enchanted Realm(Meditation)

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Deceased Loved Ones Ritual(Discussion)

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Closing Samhain Ritual

Astral Projection

Through the practice of Astral Projection, you will gain an exciting first-hand spiritual experience that is separate of the left brain’s tendency to discount your seemingly less prominent experiences. With consistent practice, Astral Projection can be achieved and work to enhance and develop strong visual skills. Astral Projection was Lori’s first spiritual practice. She achieved it through guided meditations and dedicated practice. This class incorporates a brief description followed by three different meditations to use when going to sleep. The meditations are designed to assist the “out of body” experience that is associated with Astral Projection.

Discover the practice of Astral Projection.

Celestial Golden Rope AP Meditation

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Familiar Place AP Meditation

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Vortex Astra; Tech Meditation

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Enhancing Intuition

We are all intuitive beings, but sometimes you need a little guidance to help you tap into your inner wisdom and deepen the connection. Lori’s Enhancing Intuition meditation can be done alone, or as an excellent addition to our Clairvoyant Intuitive Program. The Enhancing Intuition course includes a helpful discussion and a meditation to enhance and open the door to your intuition.

Get started on enhancing your intuition.

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Intrinsic Power

There is a power that exists within each one of us. A universal power that is dormant and present until we choose to activate it. This discussion and meditation is meant to trigger and help you discover your inherent gift from the divine. The Intrinsic Power meditation is great for anyone wanting to step into themselves and their path in a serious way, or to unlock the potential that you may not know is there.

Discover your Intrinsic Power now.

Intrinsic Power Discussion

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Intrinsic Power Meditation

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Birthing the Mother

Are you preparing for your journey into motherhood? If so, this meditation is a must! During the birth process, not only is the baby born, the mother is born too. Raina discusses the ingredients of the mother and guides you though a meditation to birth into your new role. Birthing the Mother can be used when planning a pregnancy, adoption, or to finish out the birthing process after giving birth, having a C-section, or welcoming your baby through adoption. This wonderful process was created just for mom!

Get started birthing into your new role as a mother today.

[vcex_divider color=”#dddddd” width=”100%” height=”1px” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″]Birthing The Mother Meditation

[vcex_divider color=”#dddddd” width=”100%” height=”1px” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″]Becoming A Mother Discussion

[vcex_divider color=”#dddddd” width=”100%” height=”1px” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″]Becoming A Mother Meditation

Becoming the Father

Becoming a father has its own unique set of challenges and exciting plans. Fatherhood is often overlooked during the birthing experience. This download includes a short discussion and meditation for just dad, to help you journey into fatherhood.

Feeling uncertain about your new journey as a father? Get started on our Becoming the Father meditation today.

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Creating a Relationship to Your Unborn Baby

This special meditation can be used over and over to visit and create a bond to your unborn child. In Lori’s own journey to motherhood, she found that working with her own baby strengthened the bond before the pregnancy even occurred. Her and Raina have attended many births and worked with couples in both the creation and birth process. This is one of the most exciting parts of the journey! What will your baby show you about themselves? This is also very helpful after birth to create a relationship to your baby’s personality and spirit.

Discover the soul connection between you and your baby now.

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Labor and Delivery Meditations

Lori and Raina have been asked to attend many homebirths to assist as spiritual midwife. These meditations were created for anyone wanting to have us “attend and assist” the birth process without being physically present. There are 2 meditations included in this course. The first one is used to invite in the ancestors, angelic beings, and baby’s soul early in the labor, and the second one can be used for deep labor, transition, and birth. The second meditation can be played continuously, or as needed throughout the birthing process. Play this meditation at a hospital, birthing center, or homebirth to receive spiritual assistance during this special time. **This is not a substitute for a licensed midwife. Please have proper help with your birth. These meditations are meant to assist in the spiritual and emotional part of a very physical manifestation.

Listen now to prepare for your labor and delivery.

Beg Labor Delivery Meditation

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Deeper Labor Transition and Birth Meditation

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Conscious Transition

The journey out of this world is not unlike the birthing process into this world. This download includes a brief discussion and 2 meditations for this very special re-birth back to spirit. The first meditation is for the reflection and healing of anything from this life, and the second meditation is to be played continuously to assist the soul in separating and leaving this world. Adhere to the signs that your hospice nurse gives you to decide when it is best to play this last meditation.

Start preparing for your Conscious Transition.

[vcex_divider color=”#dddddd” width=”100%” height=”1px” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″]Consious Transition Discussion

[vcex_divider color=”#dddddd” width=”100%” height=”1px” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″]Conscious Transition Meditation 1

[vcex_divider color=”#dddddd” width=”100%” height=”1px” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″]Conscious Transition Meditation 2

Creating a Divine Love Partnership

Co-creating our partner should be a beautiful, love-filled experience from start to finish. We create our partner just as we co-create anything with our higher self. This discussion and meditation is to be used to consciously create your divine love partnership.

Begin Creating a Divine Love Partnership now.

Divine Love Discussion

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Divine Love Meditation – 1

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Divine Love Meditation – 2

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Deep Sleep Meditation 1

Are you needing some help to get to sleep, or going through a life change that is rendering you awake at night? Allow the gentle guidance of Raina’s voice and specially created music to help you relax. This mediation, created just for sleep, will have you snoring in no time!

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Deep Sleep Meditation 2

Deep Sleep 2 is an additional different meditation created for sleep. We have found this particular meditation offers some interesting dream states as well. Drift into the deep waters where sleep and dreams await.

Have a deeper sleep tonight.

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Sacred Healing Meditation

The Sacred Healing meditation was created to help facilitate any healing needed on a physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual level. Enter the forest of healing where only the magic of the ancestors and spirit healers exist.

Discover your journey into Deep Healing now.

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Releasing the Weight Meditation

Holding onto excess weight can be extremely frustrating. Raina guides you through what is inside of this weight to aid in releasing the excess energy you may be holding onto. This energy can prevent you in moving forward with your weight loss goals. Use this meditation along with your weight loss plan and watch your body transform.

Take steps to release the weight today.

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Dealing with Pain

Physical or emotional pain can create havoc in our lives in a way that does not allow for movement forward. Pain can stop you in your tracks, keep you from living fully, or experiencing a fulfilling life. Pain is also an inevitable part of a human lifetime. This discussion and meditation was created to help you deal with your pain first, and then heal it. Pushing through pain can be difficult, but very rewarding. Use this download for chronic or occasional physical pain, and for emotional or mental pain.

[vcex_divider color=”#dddddd” width=”100%” height=”1px” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″]Dealing With Pain Discussion

[vcex_divider color=”#dddddd” width=”100%” height=”1px” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″]Dealing With Pain Meditation

Deepening the Love with Higher Self Meditation

Join Raina while she guides you into a beautiful meditation to deepen the love with your Higher Self. Even if you’ve worked with your higher self already, this is a beneficial meditation for deepening the love and connection to your Higher Self. This download is also wonderful to experience while drifting off to sleep.

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Hysterectomy Healing

No woman plans for a hysterectomy. Still, this is a rite of passage that signifies the process of peri-menopause, menopause, or a change in our creative cycle in this lifetime. Raina offers a short discussion and two meditations in the Hysterectomy Healing download. One meditation is done just before surgery, and the second is done after surgery. Don’t worry, if you’ve already had your surgery, the first meditation is still appropriate. Raina guides you to the goddess in her world to offer your physical womb in return for your spiritual womb, and the gifts that the goddess will bestow upon you. A wonderful way to embrace your surgery, heal old wounds, and embody the beautiful changes that will occur.

*If you are entering this stage of life but are not having a hysterectomy, go to The Alchemy of Menopause.

Hysterectomy Discussion

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Physical Womb Offering Meditation

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Receiving Your Spirit Womb Meditation

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Magick of Menstruation

The Magic of Menstruation includes a 30-minute discussion and meditation. Menstruating is our birthright as women, but can also be painful, emotional, and downright unpleasant. Your period has enchantment that needs to be maintained. The conjuring of knowledge, intuition, and action waiting to be taken. This meditation opens a portal to ancient goddess wisdom that has been forgotten. Allow your moon cycle to become an ally to your growth.

Magic Of Menstration Discussion

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Magic Of Mestruation Meditation

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Menstration Sacred Ritual Meditation

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Alchemy of Menopause

A 30-minute discussion and 2 meditations are included in the Alchemy of Menopause bundle. One meditation is intended for the process of menopause or the Peri-menopause period that can last 8-10 years. This part of menopause is essential to healing and gathering the power of your spiritual gifts and growth. The second meditation is for the rite of passage that is called Menopause. Once you have gone 12 months without a moon cycle you are considered menopausal. Menopause is a closing of the womb as it was, and the transition of the womb to what it now holds: the continuous power of your intuition, spiritual gifts, talents, and acquired knowledge. This rite of passage allows you to hold what you have attained and continue to grow through spiritual knowledge directly given by spirit. You are also now considered an elder. Embrace your soul path and cross the threshold of this ancient goddess wisdom.
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Alchemy of Menopause Discussion

[vcex_divider color=”#dddddd” width=”100%” height=”1px” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″]Peri Menopause Meditation

[vcex_divider color=”#dddddd” width=”100%” height=”1px” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″]Ceremony of Menopause Meditation

Mastering Meltdown and Crisis

This download includes two meditations for mastering the meltdown. The first is longer and more involved to help you crack open the center of crisis, and the second is a ten-minute meditation that can be done in an emergency, or sudden onset of panic or anxiety. Big life changes bring on anxiety, and sometimes a full blown nervous breakdown erupts inside of us. Both meditations are designed to deal with and transform the palpable “losing it” energy into a calm center of healing, new-found consciousness and a broader awareness of the self. Both can be listened to daily, or to drift off to sleep for healing on a subconscious level; bringing about a resolution from deep within your soul’s wisdom.

Mastering Meltdown and Crisis Discussion

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Mastering Meltdown Meditation-1

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10 Minute Meltdown Meditation

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Divine Embrace

[vcex_divider color=”#dddddd” width=”100%” height=”1px” margin_top=”20″ margin_bottom=”20″]Divine Embrace Meditation

Co-creating a Business Meditation

Creating a business is no different than creating a child. It requires a co-creation with your higher self and divine infinite to achieve proper alignment with your purpose and soul’s path in this lifetime. Our subconscious programming is important in clearing debris and making room for an entity to come into our heart space and eventually into our physical reality. Raina guides you through the subconscious realities necessary to bring your business baby to fruition. Meant to be worked with regularly throughout the process of your creation both awake and asleep.

*Included in the Dreamer Subscription

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Beltane Magick

Beltane is celebrated by Druids and witches as the transition between the end of spiring and beginning of summer. It marks the energetic peak of fertility, bounty and creative potential on earth.

This three and a half hour workshop was created by Raina during the vortex of true astrological Beltane in 2019. Raina brings forth a potent celestial energy of healing to guide you in a ritual to alchemically raise your passion to a new octave of creative fire, remembering what it is to be in love with creativity itself.

Raina harnesses the energy of the Beltane time to assist you in connecting with your most potent source self, taking you to your celestial adolescent and spurring you on new heights of creation and initiative.

This is a journey into your druid magickal roots that can guide you towards unearthing your deeper soul’s purpose and healing. You will work with the faeries and elven beings in a maze of magickal discovery.

Raina will open and activate Beltane energy during any season of the year, but is especially powerful when done during the months of April, May and June. As done with Samhain (Halloween) this point in the Wheel of the year is about death, birth and rebirthof our World- and Ourselves.

Beltane – Discussion

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Druid Adolecent – Meditation

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Current Adolescent – Discussion

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Current Adolescent – Meditation

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Beltane Air Elementmed

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Beltane Earth Elven – Meditation

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Beltane water – Meditation

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Celestial Adolescent- Discussion

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Final Beltane Ritual – Meditation

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